Politics in Climate Change
SGinC 2017's edition was held on 19 August at the S&P Global office in Marina Bay Financial Centre. It featured three panel members, including Mr Teo Eng Dih, Senior Director (Climate Change) at the Prime Minister’s Office, and Mr Wilson Ang, Executive Director of Global Compact Network Singapore, a national society that promotes corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Singapore.
Discussions were centered on the topic of ‘Politics in Climate Change’, where panelists explored how climate change has become a facet of international politics, the implications it has on international relations, and also on the climate change policies that have been put in place both at home and abroad.
“The session helped to clarify some of the implemented policies and engineering rationales behind certain infrastructures in Singapore, and how they would be affected if the country experiences drastic climate change. There were also a few other questions raised from the audience to the panelists, such as how Singapore could do more to reduce the usage of, and increase the recycling of plastic bags.” said Yu Thet Wai, UKSSC’s General Secretary (19th Executive Committee). He added, “We are elated and honoured to have been a part of planning and organising this educational event.”