Annual General Meeting
1. introduction
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity for the UKSSC Executive Committee (ExCo) to account and report to Partner Societies regarding what has been accomplished over the academic year. This will be followed by an election for the next UKSSC ExCo.
We welcome all Singaporean students and members of Partner Societies studying at UK universities to stand for elections. Both current students and freshers are most welcome to run for the elections. We highly encourage everyone keen to support and strengthen the Singaporean student community in the UK to run for the next committee.
Do note that there are certain guidelines that Candidates must adhere to when running for a position in the ExCo. They are duly highlighted in the sections below.
The compiled PDF file of candidate manifestos is now available here.
2. Event Details
Date: 27 Nov 2022
Time: 1400H (BST) / 2100H (SGT)
Location: Zoom
Zoom link: Link
Election Candidate Registration Starts: 11 Nov 2022
Election Candidate Registration Ends: 23 Nov 2022, 2359H (BST) / 24 Nov 2021, 0700H (SGT)
3. Important Information for Election Candidates
The UKSSC ExCo includes thirteen (13) members for the upcoming academic year (AY22/23). Please refer to the Appendix for the list of available positions and their respective descriptions.
During the AGM, Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates will be entitled to a live three-minute speech while all other Candidates will be entitled to a live two-minute speech. This will be followed by a Q&A segment with present attendees.
To run for the elections, you must submit the following materials:
1. Nomination Form, whereby the following criteria are met:
(a) A candidate can either nominate him or herself, or be nominated by an ExCo member of a Partner Society (non-self nominated candidates are free to reject the nomination).​
(b) The Seconder must be an ExCo member of a Partner Society.
(c) The Seconder must not have seconded any other nominees for this election cycle (AY22/23). This is regardless of whether the other nominees are applying for different positions.
(d) The Candidate/Nominator is to submit only one nomination form for all positions that they are applying for.
(e) Click here.
2. Application Form:
(a) If the nominee accepts the nomination (ignore if self-nomination), the Candidate is only required to submit one application form, regardless of the number of positions which they are applying for.​
(b) Click here.
3. Manifesto:
(a) The Candidate may choose to submit one manifesto for all/every position(s) for which they are applying for.​
(b) The Manifesto should be submitted as a PDF file.
(c) The Manifesto should not exceed one (1) A4-sized page.
Kindly email the Manifesto to our UKSSC General Secretary, Nikesh Tiwari, at by 17 November 2022, 2359H (BST) / 18 November 2022, 0700H (SGT). Please set the subject of your email to “<Your Name> | UKSSC Elections 22/23”.
Further Guidelines for Candidates:
Candidates who wish to contest for the office of the President must be a Singapore Citizen.
Candidates who wish to contest for the office of President should have prior experience in the ExCo of a Partner Society.
Candidates from Affiliated Student Organisations (e.g. UKSLSS, SMSUK) are welcome to apply for the role of Regional Director under their relevant regions.
Candidates who wish to contest for the offices of the Vice Presidents and Regional Directors should be in universities found in the regions that they will be serving.
Kindly refer to the UKSSC Constitution (Download here) for further information on the voting procedure.
4. Final Remarks
Please feel free to contact us at for further enquiries.
The President sets out the direction for the committee to follow to ensure it fulfils its objectives (see above). The President is also the public face of the UKSSC, to its Partner Societies (P.S.s) and also to external organisations. This requires him/her to undertake all liaisons with external organisations. The President should also actively promote and advance the interests of The UKSSC while maintaining its robust relationships with its constituent P.S.s. Within the ExCo, the President oversees operations and is expected to prepare meeting agendas. To fulfil these duties, Candidates seeking to run for President must be confident leaders who are comfortable in a range of situations. These include chairing ExCo meetings, interacting with large numbers of people at social events and negotiating with external sponsors. During the elections, Candidates are expected to share about their previous leadership experiences and their vision for the UKSSC should they be elected to office. Candidates applying for the role of President must be Singapore Citizens.
Vice President
There are two Vice Presidents, one for ‘Affiliated Student Organisations, The South & Greater London’ (SGL) and the other for ‘Midlands, The North and Scotland’ (MNS). They work closely with the President by providing feedback, critique and suggestions to ensure that The UKSSC meets its organisational objectives. This is accomplished by maintaining a wide network of connections spanning their respective regions, thereby providing the President with up-to-date and relevant information. The Vice-Presidents are also expected to serve as Chairpersons to the Working Committee for UKSSC Flagship Events, which includes the Regional Leaders Meetings.
To fulfil these duties, Candidates seeking to run for Vice-President must be capable organisers, requiring both task efficiency and personnel management. Candidates are also expected to be personable and approachable, as the position requires significant levels of social interaction. During the elections, Candidates are expected to share about any previous organisational experiences and how well they believe they can represent the interests of their region. They are also highly encouraged to consider event proposals they can put forward as future UKSSC Flagship Events.
General Secretary
The General Secretary is the first point of contact for the President and the rest of the Committee regarding administrative matters. This includes managing all documents related to The UKSSC and recording the minutes of all meetings. At the same time, the Secretary organises the AGM and all other necessary GMs. In order to do so, the Secretary should also be well versed in the constitution and be knowledgeable about general administrative practices.
Alongside the Vice Presidents, the Secretary also provides the President with important feedback and suggestions to refine the direction of The UKSSC. During the elections, Candidates are expected to share their technical and administrative abilities, with the emphasis on the latter.
Finance Director
The Finance Director oversees the financial accounts of The UKSSC and is responsible for the monitoring of the financial status of activities spearheaded by The UKSSC. The Finance Director is also in charge of pursuing and allocating funds obtained from sponsorship deals. The Finance Director will serve as the primary contact for all sponsorship initiatives, working to create UKSSC-wide packages and ensuring the fulfilment of commitments from both parties. At the same time, he/she is required to foster a strong relationship between the UKSSC and its sponsors to achieve maximum benefit for both parties.
Along with the President, the Finance Director is a co-signatory to The UKSSC’s bank accounts and is required to report financial matters to the ExCo, and to present a treasury report at the Annual General Meeting, or Extraordinary General Meeting if the purpose for the meeting is for the UKSSC to declare its financial position for P.S.s, at their request.
Alongside the Vice Presidents and the Secretary, the Finance Director also provides the President with important feedback and suggestions to refine the direction of the UKSSC. To fulfil these duties, candidates seeking to run for Finance Director must be capable and confident in managing financial matters. They should also possess strong communication and negotiation skills, with strong attention to detail. During the elections, nominees are expected to highlight any previous experience in securing sponsorship and their views on sponsorship strategies for the UKSSC.
Regional Director
There are six Regional Directors in The UKSSC committee (Affiliated Student Organisations, Greater London, Midlands, The North, Scotland & The South). They are the first point of contact between their respective region and The UKSSC and are responsible for maintaining ties between P.S.s and The UKSSC, updating the relevant VPs on developments concerning the P.S. To fulfil these duties, candidates seeking to run for Regional Director must be effective communicators. Candidates should enjoy facilitating group discussions with regional P.S. as well as the execution of any plans that arise from these discussions. Candidates from subject-specific P.S.s (e.g. UKSLSS, SMSUK) are also welcome to apply.
During the elections, Candidates are expected to share their organisational abilities and how well they believe they can represent the interests of their region.
Communications Director
The Communications Director will be in charge of The UKSSC’s online communication channels (newsletter, website, social media platforms). Additionally, the Communications Director is expected to support the ExCo in publicity materials of all projects and activities undertaken by The UKSSC. To fulfil these duties, candidates seeking to run for Communications Director must have the necessary IT skills required to operate the relevant online communication media. During the elections, Candidates are expected to share their technical abilities and experience in the area.
Technology Director
The Technology Director must possess strong Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills, so as to facilitate The UKSSC’s everyday operations and virtual flagship events. The Technology Director will be required to research on, and recommend virtual platforms based on the needs of The UKSSC. The Technology Director is also in charge of updating and maintaining The UKSSC’s website user interface design. The Technology Director is also expected to work closely with the General Secretary when updating the UKSSC’s website. During the elections, Candidates are expected to share their technical abilities and experience in the area.