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From Singapore to the UK

  1. I intend to fly from Singapore to the UK. Must I self-isolate?

  2. Are students intending to fly to the UK required to get pre-authorisation from the Ministry of Education (SG), the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (SG) or the Ministry of Health (SG)?

  3. How can I take a Covid-19 test before travelling for my studies?​


From the UK to Singapore

  1. What should Singaporean/PRs do if they wish to return to Singapore?

  2. Can Singaporeans/PRs who have tested positive fly back to Singapore to seek Covid-19 treatment?

  3. Is my stay at designated SHN facilities and Covid-19 treatment bills chargeable? 

  4. Can Singaporeans/PRs return to Singapore during the lockdown? / Will there be any cancellation of flights from UK to SG for returning Singaporeans anytime or will SQ always leave flights open as discussed?​



  1. If students vaccinate in UK, still need to serve SHN/Covid-19 PCR test? If still needed, will it be reimbursable or waived for those who have a valid reason (i.e. unis like cambridge required all students to return even if they did not want to), or still as per stand that after Jan 1 2021 all will pay in full?

  2. Will students returning overseas to UK for studies have any priority for vaccination?

  3. Is there any plan for vaccination for students abroad? Do students carry on with vaccination overseas and claim from SG, or must they return to SG for vaccination?


Note: The information provided below is accurate as of 31 December 2020. Given the evolving Covid-19 situation, please stay updated with the latest official advisory in both Singapore and UK.

From Singapore to the UK




1. I intend to fly from Singapore to the UK. Must I self-isolate?



  • No, if you are flying directly from Singapore. As of 19 September, travelers entering UK from Singapore would no longer be required to self-isolate for 14 days, but are still required to complete an online passenger locator form up to 48h in advance of arrival in UK.

  • However, students are encouraged to monitor yourselves in the event you develop any flu-like symptoms and to exercise personal and civic responsibility by abiding by the prescribed guidance (outlined in Section A)

  • You must self-isolate if you are transiting at a non-exempt country or territory. You may find out whether you are transiting at an exempt country or territory via:






2. Are students intending to fly to the UK required to get pre-authorisation from the Ministry of Education (SG), the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (SG) or the Ministry of Health (SG)?



  • Students are not required to obtain any pre-authorisation to travel from MOE, MOH or ICA. However, as outlined in Section VIII of MOH’s Covid-19 FAQs, students should be advised that travel for overseas studies is allowed only for those of at least one academic year, for courses which require physical presence in the foreign educational institution, and which will lead to attainment of academic qualifications.

  • In terms of documentation, students should be prepared to show an acceptance letter and relevant documentation showing that distance-learning is not an available option. This will be required in two primary scenarios: 

    •  to qualify to apply for a pre-departure test (at own expense) if required by destination country 

    • to be eligible for Government subsidies and MediShield Life and/or Integrated Shield Plan coverage for any potential Covid-19 treatment upon return to Singapore.






3. How can I take a Covid-19 test before travelling for my studies?



  • Should a pre-departure test be required by the destination country, students may submit their request for pre-departure COVID-19 test via

  • Test results could require up to 48 hours to process. Students are advised to cater sufficient time to arrange for their test appointment and receive their test results prior to departure. The relevant requirements/documentation is contained in the online form.

  • However, do check with your airline carrier if you are required to have a negative Covid-19 PCR Test result, especially if you are transiting in another country. Kindly note that the UK does not currently require a Covid-19 test for travellers flying directly from Singapore.

Travel 1.1
Travel 1.2
Travel 1.3
Travel 2.1

From the UK to Singapore



1. What should Singaporean/PRs do if they wish to return to Singapore?



  • On top of their usual preparations when travelling, Singaporeans/PRs have to fill in two forms:

    • SHN form: this informs the relevant authorities on your date of arrival, flight details, and other specific requirements 

    • Health declaration form: this is to be filled in 48h before arrival 

    • The forms can be found on 

    • SC and PRs would also need to fill up the SG Arrival Card three days before arriving in Singapore

  • Students should be aware that they must pay for SHN facilities and Covid-19 test. However, if they arrive before 1 Jan 2021, they might be able to claim medical costs through Medisave if they show proof that their travel (after 27 Mar 2020) was essential (i.e. no remote learning options), or that they last left Singapore before 27 Mar 2020.

  • Changes in chargeable bills with effect from 1 Jan 2021 (according to MOH advisory as of 27 Oct 2020):

  • With effect from 1 Jan 2021, the Singapore Government will no longer be waiving the costs of stay at dedicated SHN facilities for Singaporeans/PRs who last left Singapore before 27 March 2020, as the vast majority has already returned. In addition, new incoming travellers including Singaporeans/PRs who left before 27 March 2020 will have to bear their inpatient medical bills if they development onset symptoms within 14 days of their arrival. They can tap on regular healthcare financial arrangements for their inpatient medical bills

  • In addition, the SHN Hotel Needs FAQ form would be helpful as a starting point for those with specific needs whilst serving out SGN. You could also reach out to the SHN team via their helpline at +65 6812 5555






2. Can Singaporeans/PRs who have tested positive fly back to Singapore to seek Covid-19 treatment?​



  • It is UK domestic regulation that those who have tested positive for Covid-19 must self-isolate. Those who flout these rules can get fined.

  • Commercial airlines are unlikely to take those who have tested positive.

  • There are other routes to return to Singapore for treatment, but only in special circumstance and within the individual parameters of one’s own insurance coverage, as it can be expensive for those without sufficient medical coverage

  • Call 999 in cases of emergency / 111 in case of non-emergency.




3. Is my stay at designated SHN facilities and Covid-19 treatment bills chargeable?



  • Stay-Home Notice (SHN):

    • Depends on your latest date of departure from Singapore, and when you intend to arrive in Singapore







  • Kindly note

    • Your stay at the dedicated SHN facility is chargeable even if your travel was essential (SGD$2000 incl GST)


  • Covid-19 Treatment:

    • Depends on whether your travel to the UK was essential, and when you intend to arrive in Singapore

    • Not chargeable if your travel to the UK is deemed as essential (i.e. no remote learning options) (Can be claimed via Medisave / CPF)

    • SHN and Covid-19 test would still be chargeable 

    • Update as of 27 Oct 2020: WEF Jan 2021, new incoming travellers including Singaporeans/ PRs who left SG before 27 March 2020 will have to bear their inpatient medical bills if they develop onset symptoms within 14 days of their arrival but can tap on regular healthcare financial arrangements for their inpatient medical bills.


  • Covid-19 Test:  

    • Chargeable for all (SGD$200 incl GST)






4. Can Singaporeans/PRs return to Singapore during the lockdown? / Will there be any cancellation of flights from UK to SG for returning Singaporeans anytime or will SQ always leave flights open as discussed?



  • Yes, it is considered as a form of essential travel.

  • ​We are thankful that throughout the pandemic in the UK there has been flights back to Singapore operated by SQ. We do not have any information that SQ flights would be cancelled in the near future. We will update should there be any change to this.

Screenshot 2020-11-03 at 5.03.14 PM.png
Travel 2.2
Travel 2.3
Travel 2.4
Travel 3.1




1. If students vaccinate in UK, still need to serve SHN/Covid-19 PCR test? If still needed, will it be reimbursable or waived for those who have a valid reason (i.e. unis like cambridge required all students to return even if they did not want to), or still as per stand that after Jan 1 2021 all will pay in full?



  • SHC: As of now, there is no change to the policy that SHN/Swab Test costs will need to be paid from 1 Jan 2021. There is no protocol yet on the treatment of vaccinated individuals. Once there is such a directive it will be widely published and we will also disseminate to the respective networks. Till then the current entry rules will apply.




2. Will students returning overseas to UK for studies have any priority for vaccination?



  • The first priority for the vaccine would be given to those who are at greatest risk: healthcare workers and frontline personnel, as well as the elderly. The rest of the population would then be progressively vaccinated. Vaccinations will be offered for free to persons in Singapore, based on the prioritisation for vaccination. Therefore Singaporeans who are residing or working overseas who wish to be vaccinated will need to return home for the vaccination, when the vaccines are made available to the population group to which they belong. They will need to follow the prevailing entry rules which apply based on their travel history.




3. Is there any plan for vaccination for students abroad? Do students carry on with vaccination overseas and claim from SG, or must they return to SG for vaccination?



  • Vaccination will be provided free to all Singaporeans and long-term residents in Singapore including overseas Singaporeans (OS) and Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR). This applies regardless of whether the OS or SPR has a residential address in Singapore. They can return to Singapore for the vaccination, when the vaccines are made available to the population group to which they belong. There is no claims process if a student receives the vaccination in the UK. Students can carry on with the vaccination overseas if they prefer.

Travel 3.2
Travel 3.3
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